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Saffron, known as "red gold," is a spice with deep flavor and vibrant color that can transform any recipe when prepared correctly. Preparing saffron for use in your favorite dish or beverage is known as ‘brewing’. This process allows you to unlock Saffron’s full potential. In this blog, we share with you two effective methods of brewing saffron to elevate your culinary creations.

The benefits of brewing saffron before use

Maximizing Flavor:

Saffron contains flavor coupons like picrocrocin and safranal which are water-soluble. Steeping allows these compounds to be released more effectively, resulting in a richer, more intense flavor.

Enhancing Color:

The vibrant yellow-orange pigment in saffron comes from crocin, a cartotenoid compound. Brewing saffron allows this pigment to dissolve fully, ensuring that dishes are evenly colored and visually appealing.

Method 1: Brewing Saffron with Boiling Water

1. Grinding Saffron:

Grind the threads of saffron in a mortar with a pestle or grinder. Ensure that the container is totally dry to preserve the integrity of saffron.

2. Preparing the Infusion:

Place the ground saffron in another container and add the required amount of boiling water. The amount of water will depend on the recipe.

3. Steeping the Saffron:

Let the saffron steep for several minutes. This period allows the threads to release their rich color and flavor. You can cover the container to retain heat, and for a deeper infusion, place it on indirect heat.

Method 2: Brewing Saffron with Ice

1. Grinding Saffron:

As with the boiling water method, grind saffron threads before use.

2. Adding Ice:

Place a few small ice cubes onto the ground saffron. the cold temperature shocks the saffron and will bring out its vibrant color.

3. Waiting for Infusion:

Allow the ice to melt at room temperature. As it does so, it will be infusing the color and flavor of the saffron. Once the ice has melted, you can add boiling water to the mixture or allow it to keep mixing on its own.

Amongst Saffron purists, Brewing Saffron with Ice is the more popular technique as it helps preserve its delicate aroma, color, and benefits. Heat can cause some of the pigments to degrade due to heat and cause the aromatic compounds to evaporate. Antioxidants like crocin and picrocrocin can also degrade faster at high temperatures. Try both methods and let us know what works best for you!

Helpful Tips

Choose Quality Saffron: Instead of powdered saffron, select saffron threads for the best quality and flavor. Read our ‘How to Identify Real Saffron’ article to find out what to look for and how to test if it’s real.

Control Water Amount: Quantity Control: Use the right quantity of water in relation to the amount of saffron. Too much water will weaken the infusion.

Use Dry Containers: Your grinding and brewing containers should be dry in order not to affect the quality of the saffron.

Avoid Sweeteners: Do not use sugar or sweeteners while grinding, as this may interfere with the way the saffron brews.

Storage: Saffron water should not be kept in the refrigerator beyond a couple of weeks, since the flavor and aroma are likely to be compromised.

Final Thoughts

These methods will have you brew saffron with confidence and add its incomparable flavors and colors to your dishes-be it savory meals or concocted aromatic drinks; saffron heightens the experience. Every great dish starts with great ingredients that are prepared right! Check out for Saffron that exceeds ISO standards in color, aroma, and smell!

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